
the audacity of hope

When my brother and I were kids our grandmother gave us stuffed elephants to put on our beds on the eve of the presidential elections and told us that "we were a republican family and to remember that because it's very important! Dont forget to say your prayers for the republicans!". As adults I dont think either of us has ever voted republican, but our 75 year old mother, dutiful old guard, red state living sweetie pie that she is--well, that line of thinking is a safe, cozy blanket. About 2 years ago she did tearfully express to me that she had regretted voting for George W, that she didnt understand how it had gone so wrong. This year she felt "safe" again with McCain, she attended a republican rally, she went to see Sarah Palin speak. My brother and I respectfully talked to her about why she should consider turning blue this year. Sometimes I heard myself getting impassioned and soapboxy (which is as effective as pelting someone with tropical flavored skittles) but as election day neared I mostly just wanted her to feel GOOD about whomever she cast her vote for. Saturday she was still leaning towards McCain. On Sunday, my brother went over and watched the Obama "infomercial" with her, and tried to answer any questions that she might have. When I talked to him that night he felt that she was still very much on the fence. Last night, she called and told me she had made a decision and that she felt very good about it and it was the right choice for her...and then she said "I'm voting for Barack Obama".

No stuffed elephants on the bed last night, but lots of tears.