If you look at the clock, and it is 3:41
and realize that you are still braless
and in pajamas.
and it is raining.
You may want to get dressed and take a walk.
When you walk in the rain in Los Angeles,
there is a good chance
you will have
the place to yourself.
You could see a mama duck with her babies
make good use of the park
that stretches out like a green tongue
from the Venice Library,
A tongue usually claimed by the homeless
who have moved their city under the library eave
and out of the wet.
You might happen across an art gallery
and be the sole customer
and get to take all the time
in the world
to enjoy
the Confabulations of Tucker Neel
You would get to see the sky
feathered out like watercolor on heavy parchment.
And the light would make
the color of things painted for safety
(curbs and pylons)
pop out in 3-D.
And as you walk back home
you may look up just in time to see
a big truck
with the words
Blessings Transportation painted on the side
pass by.