I still believed in the easter bunny then. The idea of a giant bunny was both thrilling and terrifying. Santa could talk, but the Easter Bunny seemed mute. Also, he provided the odd service of hiding colored eggs around the yard without regard for your general good or bad behavior or interest in a kick-back of cookies and milk. All of this had become particularly suspect to me that year.
And a strange thing happened. I woke Easter morning just as the sun rose and got up, walked through the living room and opened the front door...and...saw... a GIANT brown bunny (not the white kind that wears a vest and seems sweet and goofy) but one that was just a real rabbit, and 6 ft tall and on it's hind legs and kind of menacing and he was flanked by two smaller white rabbits in 4-legged-regular-bunny-style-stance. They were about 20 ft away and the big brown one looked at me with his big wet eye and I slammed the door ran back to bed and nearly had a heart attack.
I want to brush this off as a dream, but it had the feel of something else..although not quite waking reality. I've never really been able to explain it away with certainty, its' just sort of hovered around in my memory with an asterisk.
Over the last month I've had several disturbing dreams that include giant rabbits in one form or another. So, even though hearing about another person's dreams can be boring on a stick with a side of dull dipping sauce...pull up a chair...
I am riding a bike through a suburban neighborhood, the yards are perfectly manicured, the houses freshly painted and it is disturbingly quiet...almost abandoned, certainly without "life". I am compelled to look into the backyard of one of the houses. I see an older Latino man carrying a python over one shoulder and an alligator over the other, the animals are alive and he seems quite comfortable with them. I continue to sneak around and notice that this backyard is lush and wild, teeming with activity...I follow the man and then watch as he falls to the ground, like he's had a heart attack. Out of no where all sorts of animals gather around his body. Then I notice something very disturbing, one of the animals is a 15 ft long creature composed of giant brown bunny heads and bunny hind legs, strung together and moving like a centipede. I approach the man, concerned, and he just looks at me. He cant speak and his eyes start to glaze, there's a curious smile on his face and then he dies. I'm horrified, unsure what to do, and then I intuit that I am now the caretaker of these creatures...and ALL the eyes of the bunny centipede abomination look at me with a disturbing, autistic glare.
********another dream********
I am driving with a friend, who happens to be a gay male, and we come up to a road block, we are told to take a detour...which puts us on foot and walking through a dark dingy house that is decorated with rejects from the worst garage sales in America. We are greeted by its owner, an older white man who seems ignorant and evil. I am trying to tell my friend to tone down the gay, and I am telling myself to tone down the liberal yankee female and I am hoping we can pass as a nice midwestern couple. My friend is not getting the hint and gets flirty and silly when we are given a pat-down and interrogated. I am deeply worried. Other 'travelers' have begun to show up and it is clear that we are being 'rounded-up' for unknown crimes. The mood is quiet and tense and I know that I must not draw any attention to myself. We are escorted out of the house and taken to the yard where we are told that this what happens to people who dont play by the "rules"...we see a nude man tied to a large propped-up board, his body is writhing, and blood and urine stream down his legs... and muffled screams come out of the GIANT BROWN BUNNY head he is wearing.
This all leads me to google 'giant rabbits'...and here's what I found...
