Oh wow. So much to love here.
Um, THIS, from a store on the Venice boardwalk
that has a big animatronic fortune teller named ZOLTAR
in a plexiglass booth at the entrance...
Many times I have walked by,
today, for the first time...(12 years)
I walked in.
Ok. So.
I love that the person writing the "display description"
was so enthused that they almost didn't leave enough room
for "profession",
in fact...I had to look up "profession"
to see if it was spelled properly
it looked SO weird.
"Dolls by Profession" ?
But mostly...
"for your favorite..."
CHIMENY sweeper?
nevermind the misspelling,
I don't know anyone that even
a chimney sweeper,
let alone has a "favorite"
like, isnt that what gum costs?
(and "Joey" doll in overalls
with wooden implements in pocket and dutch boy haircut,
what profession is that?)