Over the last year or so I've seen this guy with his dog.
He pulls her in a wagon for nearly a mile and they take a post on the pier and watch the people, the waves, the birds. She's covered in little tumors but doesn't seem in pain, she has that calm presence of an old lab. They both watch things, the eyes look out and then go back in...they are at once observers and participants. I always maintained a respectful distance, but one day I approached them and asked if I could take a picture.
Me: Excuse me, I just wanted you to know how nice it is to see the love between you too.
Him: (very quietly) um, thankyou.
Me: Would you mind if I took a picture?
Him: No, of course not. (then he proceeded to gently step to the side)
Me: No, I wanted a picture of the two of you.
Him: Oh, okay.
This was the picture.
I thanked him and went on my way. He reached down and laid his head on her head and she closed her eyes.
Today he was on the pier wagonless, and I knew she was gone.