Mom: So. Have you seen any movies lately?
Me: Um, well I saw Sicko last week, but I already talked to you about that.
Mom: Oh, Sicko? I heard I wasn't supposed to see that, it's supposed to be awful. Isn't that a horror movie?
Me: Not in the classic sense, but some of the information is pretty scary. It's a documentary, Mom, about the healthcare industry in America.
Mom: Who stars in it?
Me: No, Mom, it's a documentary it doesn't have any stars.
Mom: Oh. Well have you seen that movie about Eartha Kitt? It's supposed to be wonderful.
Me: A documentary?
Mom: No I think it's a movie about her life.
Me: No, I didn't realize there was a movie out about her.
Mom: Oh, yes. She was black, right.
Me: Yes, I think she still is.
Mom: Well I think the person who's playing her isn't even black.
Me: Really? I can't believe I haven't heard more about this. Are you sure?
Mom: Wait, maybe it was Billie Holliday. Was she black?
Me: Yes. This is a new movie?
Mom: Yes, Oh wait. I think she's played by Catherine Zeta Jones!
Me: Catherine Zeta Jones as Billie Holliday? Really?
Mom: Well, wait. Billie Holliday took paris by storm and had drug problems, right?
Me: Oh wait a minute, are you sure you don't mean La Vie En Rose? You know, the movie about Edith Piaf?
Mom: Oh yes! That's what I mean. Now, was she black?