
"the most soulful woebegone eyes you have ever seen"

A description of the guitarfish (also called banjo shark) by Dr. Robin Milton Love, from her book PROBABLY MORE THAN YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THE FISHES OF THE PACIFIC COAST

They show up on the fossil record before dinosaurs.
It showed up on the pier the other day.
This poor ancient thing summoned from the depths, brought to the surface to die.
Hung by its tail, blood draining from it's gills, mouth.
It was still alive, god knows how long it had been there. I was on the pier for at least 20 minutes before I noticed it.
I could touch it, and did. It seemed like something you know is there but can't actually feel---like a pancreas or a liver.
The skin was cool and damp and had the texture of the sole of a very expensive ladies shoe.
Barely breathing, it seemed accepting of it's fate...it's eyes all soulful and woebegone.
Death in a place it had never lived.