


mottos of the states

I dont know what possessed me this morning to look up state mottos ... but I did.


Kansas To the stars through adversity
Maine I direct
Maryland Manly deeds, womanly words
Minnesota I long to see what is beyond
Oregon She flies with her own wings


If you can't be interesting, be nice.
- Carrie Fisher


Momversations: a movie review

Mom: I went to see that movie, Australia.
Me: Oh really, how was it?
Mom: Well I didnt really like it at all, it was too big and hard to focus on, and that lead man Hugh Jackson, the way his body is built...well, those arent the kind of muscles you get from the outside like a real man, he has the kind of muscles you get inside, like from an exercise place.

In Memory of John Lennon

on the anniversary of his death

A beautiful tribute by Paul.

and this..


play with your food.

Still in recovery from being a professional eater and mother hostess (1 week of Mom, S O L I D)

More on that later...please enjoy stop-motion food stylings of PES.