-A middle aged Asian man wearing lederhosen with matching "cap" walking his bike down the street.
-A sign spinner "riding" his sign like it was a bucking bronco and waving an invisible lasso overhead.
-Homeless men in Ugg boots.
THIS-Be Kind Rewind, the latest Michel Gondry film.
-The wisteria blooming outside my window.

-pictures from a friend's adventure of diving with Great White Sharks

-wild arugala
-thin mint girl scout cookies kept in the freezer
-red mango with lime juice
-song sparrows going OFF!
-The Tubes "White Punks On Dope"
-"Ramble On" by Led Zepplin (always)
-Blitzen Trapper, The Dragons, Over the Rhine, Liam Finn and the piano solos of Dustin O'Halloran.
-someone playing ragtime music on the piano as I walked by their house
the dolphin that saved the whales